Marc Chicoine — Young Artist
12x12x1", oil on paper and canvas, $1000
portrait of an Allied bomber pilot
36x24x1" melted crayons, oil pastel, oil, found objects, $2000
tower of babel rising from dirty dishes
![Rainforest Cafe](
44x36x.2", oil on canvas, $2000
surrealist painting of urban jungle
![The Eternal Punishment of Prometheus](
48x34x1", acrylic on found wood, $2000
body being eaten by a birdlike monster
![Happy Feet](
48x36x1" gouache and oil pastel on canvas, $2000
dancer merging with other bodies
![Golden Slumber](
34x28x1", oil on canvas, $2000
woman asleep amongst war iconography
24x36x1.5", oil on canvas, $3000
sea nymphs
![Sea Dog](
17x12x.1", watercolor on paper, $1500
old sea captain
![Stone Cat (Mid Size)](
1.25x1.5x1.75’, fiberglass and resin, over plaster/plastic base, $2000
cat created from merging organic shapes
![The Boy Named Crow](
48x36x1" oil on paper, $2000
bird form merging with a boy and whale