Press Release: Viridian Artists' 25th International Juried Competition

Viridian Artists' 25th International Juried   Competition
Katherine Brinson, Curator, Solomon R Guggenheim Museum
July 1 - July 19, 2014
Opening reception Thursday, July 10, 6-8pm

Margery Freeman Appelbaum * Bob Augstell * Roni and Mary Jo Ben-Nun * Sarah Brook * Emma Buck * Robert S. Davis Jr. * Erika Gagnon * Philip Gerstein * Alexander Giavis * Barry Goldberg * Osamu Hirota * Emily Lazerwitz * Mier Luo * Kimberly RoweTore Terrasi * Michael Wolf * Renna Mae Zimmer

Chelsea: Viridian Artists Inc. is pleased to present our 25th International JuriedExhibition. Curated by Katherine Brinson,   Curator, Guggenheim Museum, New York.
The exhibition opens July 1st and continues through July 19th, 2014. In celebration, a special reception will be held on Thursday, July 10th, 6-8pm. We are especially pleased that the curator will be present to give out awards to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of this important competition that brings the art of emerging and under-recognized artists to the attention of museum curators.

The competition selection was especially difficult this time for there were so many outstanding submissions and the nature of art in our world today encompasses a wide variety of methods, materials and insights regarding what art is in contemporary culture.

In her insightful curatorial statement, Brinson wrote "As a museum curator working predominantly with living artists, I’m used to watching careers develop over time through exhibitions, visits, and critical reading. So it was a new and fascinating experience to assess a broad cross-section of works without any identifying information beyond images and captions for the submitted works and the artist’s name. The selection process is purely visual and based on documentary images rather than seeing the work in person – parameters that were initially disconcerting but which quickly led to an energizing and absorbing exercise that relied wholly on eye and instinct. "

As usual, Viridian makes an effort to expand the opportunities of more artists' being seen so the gallery Director's Choices will also be viewable in digital form. We feel it important to tangibly demonstrate that curatorial choice is often as much about personal taste as it is about the "quality " of the art. Katherine Brinson was selected this year not only for her curatorial reputation but also because she is a part of the museum committee that selects emerging art for the museum collection.

                  Director's Choice to be presented digitally 

 Aandra Aabdock*Angela Lau* Angelique E Anderson * Sarah Brook* Craig Cheply   * Cynthia Fleury * Lisa Goesling * Cecil Gresham * Peter Hiers * Thomas C. Jackson * Jun OgataSrividya Kannan Ramachandran   *Emily Lazerwitz   * Melissa May Metzler* James Mullen   * Leonard Myszynski   * Charlotte Patterson * Leonard Rosenfeld * Kimberly Rowe   * Jimmy Salmon   * Shawn Saumell   * Jim Shirey   * Judy Somerville *Myron Stephens * William Stoehr * R.J. Vojir * Jave Yoshimoto* Stanislav Ossovskiy * Joe Puglisi * Christopher Ruane* Tony Wells   * Michael Wolf* Renna Mae Zimmer


